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The Talking Points for School Leaders is a monthly publication designed to provide MI School Data's key stakeholders with information on Technical Updates, Outreach and Conferences, Train-the-Trainer, and Professional Development. Questions or ideas for the monthly edition, contact Dr. Rhonda Provoast at [email protected].

Date Spotlight
September 2024 State Assessments
June 2024 Report Builder (Pilot) Feedback Requested
May 2024 New Reports for Early Middle College Enrollment and Outcomes
April 2024 MI School Data Secure User Survey Released
March 2024 Report Builder Coming Soon
February 2024 New Report Functionality with College Opportunities for High School Students
January 2024 New Professional Development Resources and Materials for Recently Released Accountability Reports
Date Spotlight
December 2023 School Index Release
November 2023 Coming Soon: School Accountability Reports
October 2023 Needs Assessment Update/User Accounts
September 2023 State Assessment Data
August 2023 Technical Administrator Webinars
June 2023 School Services & Offerings (Points of Pride)
May 2023 Special Education Dashboard
April 2023 MI School Data Secure Users Survey Extended
March 2023 New Quick Start Guide Released for New Account Requests
February 2023 New Statewide Leadership Members and MI School Data Secure User Survey Released
January 2023 Professional Development Resources and Materials for Recently Released Accountability Reports
Date Spotlight
December 2022 New Resources for AER, School Grades, and School Index
November 2022 School Index Resources and Materials
October 2022 Getting Ready for Accountability Reports
September 2022 Professional Development Toolkit Resources
August 2022 Technical Administrator Training
June 2022 Report Catalog and Summer Learning Opportunities
May 2022 New Special Education Dashboard
April 2022 New Student Characteristics located in the Parent Dashboard
March 2022 Compare Tool
February 2022 Annual Education Reports
January 2022 Annual Education Reports and Accountability Administrator
Date Spotlight
December 2021 School Accountability and Annual Education Reports
November 2021 Early Middle College Navigation Features
October 2021 Professional Development Toolkit
Aug/Sept 2021 Back End Administration for Technical Administrators
June 2021 Blue Regional Leads, New Education Focus Area - 60 by 30
May 2021 Red Regional Lead, YouTube Channel and Webinar Series
April 2021 Red Regional Lead, Education Entity Master Updates to School Services & Offerings in Parent Dashboard
March 2021 Purple Regional Leads, College Reports
February 2021 Green Regional Leads, Financial Information Reports
January 2021 Orange Regional Leads, Annual Report, MICIP
Date Spotlight
December 2020 COVID-19 Dashboard, Train-the-Trainer Updates
November 2020 MI School Data Redesign and Training Schedule
October 2020 MI School Data Preview Release and Webinar Schedule
September 2020 Preview of Education Dashboard
August 2020 MI School Data access with MILOGIN 3rd Party
July 2020 User Migration, MILOGIN Third Party, Personas
June 2020 End of Year Reporting, Redesign Spotlight
May 2020 User Migration, MILOGIN 3rd Party, School Services & Offerings
April 2020 Annual Head Start Conference, School Grades
March 2020 State Testing Conference, School Services & Offerings
February 2020 Green and Purple Regional Events
January 2020 AER, School Index, and Public Reporting
Date Spotlight
December 2019 Big 10 Network, School Services & Offerings, Train-the-Trainer
November 2019 Workforce Reports and Public Releases
October 2019 Train-the-Trainer Network Meeting
September 2019 School Services, Parent Dashboard, AER, and Our Schools At A Glance
August 2019 Technical Updates and Inactive User Accounts
June 2019 EduPaths and Summer Training Opportunities
May 2019 Workforce added to the Menu Bar
April 2019 Train-the-Trainer and Edupaths Courses for Summer
March 2019 BAA Logins, Permissions, Postsecondary Data Releases
February 2019 BAA Logins, New Sessions in the Webinar Series
January 2019 Technical Updates and Professional Learning