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Updated September 18, 2024

This page is updated the first and third Wednesday of every month with news and report release information. For a schedule of report releases, please see our Report Calendar.

Released to the Public


  • The WIDA ACCESS for ELLs is an assessment test used to track how well English learner students are learning the English language. The English Learner Student Growth report uses that assessment to show growth and progress over two or more years for a selected location.

  • Data showing attendance rates for all students, chronically absent students, and not chronically absent students have been updated in the Student Attendance report.

  • The following items on the Parent Dashboard have been updated:
    • The Performance metric shows the percent of students meeting state academic standards on state tests.
    • The Student Attendance metric shows students’ average attendance rate.

Released in Preview


  • The Student Mobility report compares numbers of students transferring to, transferring from, and remaining in a district after fall count day.

Coming Soon


  • The Continuity of Service in Special Education reports show early intervention and special education services delivered to Michigan children during three important age spans: birth to third birthday, third birthday to kindergarten entry, and kindergarten to 3rd grade.
    • The Service Comparisons report shows the percentage of students receiving services in each age group for a selected ISD compared to the statewide percentage.
    • The Service Pathways report shows the number and percentage of children receiving services in each age group, as well as when children began and finished receiving services.

  • The following items on the Parent Dashboard will be updated:
    • English Learner Participation shows whether at least 95% of English learner students took the WIDA test.
    • The Student Transfers metric shows the rate of student movement out of a school during a school year.
    • Suspension and Expulsion shows the number of students suspended or expelled.
    • Test Participation shows whether at least 95% of enrolled students took state tests in all subjects.